Apr 11, 2012

Coat it!

Hello and welcome back everyone! I hope you all had a great Easter weekend!? I certainly did! It was - undeniably - pretty stressful and packed with action and family but it was nevertheless great.

I spent almost a week in Germany to attend a wedding on wednesday before Easter and have some time with my boyfriend in his "old home". I really enjoyed our mini-holiday even if I almost froze to death and ate too much. The best things about this little trip were: attending the wedding of my boyfriend's best friend and getting super cute wedding favors, going to the cinema to watch the Hunger Games for a second time, attaching an engraved lock to the lovebridge in Bamberg and buying a super cute dress and 2 pairs of shoes...

But - as I mentioned before - it was cold! Really cold! Nothing you'd enjoy after a week of almost constant 20° C degrees... so you really needed a nice warm jacket or coat! That's why I thought I'd share with you 4 of the most amazing (and crazy) coats I've seen lately. I especially love the beige coat with the studded sleeves. Ah, I think I fell in love *sigh*

lots of kisses


  1. OH.MEIN.GOTT!!! Ich liebe den Mantel links unten ♥_♥ Gibt's da einen Link dazu?

  2. hi mina! ja den gibts, aber da konnte ich leider keine quelle finden... :( kannst dich ja mal umschauen auf der seite, vielleicht findest du raus woher der mantel ist. hier der link: http://ornamentedbeing.tumblr.com/post/8038706390
    liebe grüsse!
