Oct 6, 2011

mustard yellow (or wanna have part II)

Amber, Aureolin, Banana Yellow, Blonde, Cadmium Yellow, Canary Yellow, Citrine, Corn Yellow, Dandelion Yellow, Daffodil Yellow, Electric Yellow, Gold, Golden Poppy, Golden Yellow, Icterine, Laser Lemon, Lemon Yellow, Mikado Yellow, Naples Yellow, Old Gold Yellow, Pastel Yellow, Saffron Yellow, Sandstorm Yellow, Schoolbus Yellow, Sunflower Yellow, Selective Yellow, Stil de Grain Yellow, Sunglow Yellow, Straw Yellow, Tangerine Yellow, Titanium Yellow, Unmellow Yellow, Vanilla Yellow...
...of all the 'yellows' in the world, I like Mustard Yellow best!

 And who knew that there were more than 33 different kinds of yellow?! The world never stops to amaze me...

xoxo linskaya

1 comment:

  1. vielen vielen dank, das freut mich zu hören:)
    jaa, ich liebe ihn auch, ich hab ihn gleich schnell gewaschen und angezogen hihi :)
