But hey: I'm back... back for good! You can look forward to a great 2012 with lots of ideas form my part :) I'm really really really looking forward to it!
The first days of the new year are always a time for resolutions. To be honest: I'm not very fond of resolutions. Although I am generally a list-person, goal-maker, always write-it-down kind of person... resolutions are just so illusionary. You either make and know that you will not keep them... or you make them with the best intentions and end up breaking them anyway.
You have guessed just right: I did some resolutions anyway! I have lots of plans for the new year, lots of goals, lots of projects... why not call them resolutions? And why not share them with you? (so you might remind me of them, should I forget them too soon!)
Some of my goals for 2012 are:
- Live healthier! Be fitter! (yeah, we all ate too much over the holidays - and we all want to get rid of the few extra kilos)
- Continue blogging, have fun with it and refine the layout: I won't have to many difficulties keeping that resolution... and I would love to create a new header!
- Cook and bake more often (and share the recipes with you)
- Find time to be creative at least once a week: I have lots of new canvases, new colours and materials, a sewing machine I have never used, a neglected Art-Journal and many more ideas...
- Spend a lot of time with my loved ones; boyfriend, family and friends (most important of all!)
I'm looking forward to a very interesting 2012! It will be a good one, I'm sure.
Lot of love
xo xo linskaya
Ein fröhliches 2012 :)